Times are changing. Your payments should too.
Your Customer Base is Getting Younger
- It's time to start future-proofing.

Credit cards helped bring e-commerce from idea to reality, there's no doubt about that. But as a business owner, you have to watch your bottom line - and credit card processing doesn't come cheap. Add to that the fact that credit cards bring chargebacks along for the ride, and it gets more difficult to remain competitive in cut-throat industries.

The e-Transfer.

This home-grown Canadian payment method has come a long way in 20 years. What was once a convenient way to send a few dollars to friends and family is now a lightning-fast, modern, money-moving network with built-in enhancements and fraud controls.

Why do people love it so much?

It's secure.
No banking info is shared.
It's quick. (Seconds.)

Interac Logo Interac e-Transfer®

Accept Payments

Check out now with e-Transfer.


Gone are the days of adding payees and memorizing codes. Just click and go.


Most mobile banking apps now use biometrics, so this step takes less than 3 seconds.


Choose the account to draw funds from, and click 'confirm'.
The transfer is instant.

Interac LogoInterac e-Transfer®


Sending funds is easier than ever.

Disburse via Interac e-Transfer® with our API, or with an uploaded batch file. We process multiple times per day, in the evening, on weekends and even during statutory holidays. If you qualify, we can even enable instant payouts on your account.


It's really not that hard.

Our API is easy to integrate and feature-rich. We already have plugins for most popular carts, and if we don't have one for yours, we'll make one.

Our admin panel allows your team to easily export reports, cross-reference transactions and get detailed customer history. Request refunds, create a transaction in the virtual terminal and more.

Are you new to the Canadian market and don't have local, Canadian payments in your checkout? No problem, we can get you set up in no time. Add our payments right alongside the ones you already offer

